TOW 2023: 12th IVS Technical Operations Workshop Notebook
TOW Notebook
The notebook compiles the presentation files of the live and pre-recorded sessions of the 12th TOW in PDF format.
Operations Workshop | |
VLBI Session Pre-checks, Operations, Recovery | Mike Poirier, Alex Burns |
Operational Recovery from System Failures | Mike Poirier, Alex Burns |
Operational Use of Mark 6 | Chet Ruszczyk, John Barrett |
Cryogenic System and Receiver Maintenance | Christian Plötz |
Maintenance Workshops | |
FS Operations | Alexander Neidhardt |
Antenna Gain Calibration | Michael Lindqvist |
RFI Determination and Spectrum Management RFI: Mitigation and Monitoring | Michael Lindqvist John Swoboda |
Phase Cal Basics and RF System Testing | Ganesh Rajagopalan |
Advanced Pre-checks and Operations | Ganesh Rajagopalan |
Understanding Correlator Feedback | Phillip Haftings, Sara Hardin |
Seminars | |
Pointing and Amplitude Calibration Concepts | Bob Campbell |
High-Accuracy Time and Frequency in VLBI | Katie Pazamickas, Rick Hambly |
FS Station Code Beginners and Advanced | Alexander Neidhardt |
Setup and Operations with the DBBC3 Part 1 and Part 2 | Gino Tuccari, Sven Dornbusch |
R2DBE Setup and Operations | Chet Ruszczyk, Russ McWhirter |
Operational Data Transport in the IVS Part 1 and Part 2 | Jason SooHoo, Simone Bernhart |
VLBI Data Acquisition, Formats, Transfer and Tools | Marjolein Verkouter |
Writing VLBI Observation Schedules | Matthias Schartner |
Demonstration of the VLBI Communications Center (VCC) | Mario Bérubé |
Lectures | |
VLBI Basics | Pedro Elosegui |
Impact of Operations on Data Analysis | Sara Hardin |
Science Overview | Frank Lemoine |
VGOS Signal Chain | Chet Ruszczyk, Arthur Niell |
BRAND and DBBC4 | Gino Tuccari |
From Linear to Circular: PolConvert for Station Operators | Frederic Jaron |
Discussion Board-VLBI Issues Seen by Station Staff | Alexander Neidhardt |
IVS SADA | Alexander Neidhardt |
Correlator Workshop | May 4-5 2023 |
Agenda | |
IONEX Predictions for differential TEC | Dan Hoak (for the Haystack correlation team) |
Notes on the proxy cable cal | Dan Hoak (for the Haystack correlation team) |
PolConvert: Notes on Haystack analysis of ER2201 | Dan Hoak (for the Haystack correlation team) |
Updates to plotting tools for VGOS postprocessing | Dan Hoak (for the Haystack correlation team) |
Methods of VGOS post-processing | Dan Hoak (for the Haystack correlation team) |
TOW2023 Evaluations
Evaluation forms were filled out by meeting attendees. A summary of the comments and ratings is available at the link below. After the meeting, the teachers met to share their experiences and evaluate the meeting and their teaching. Notes from this meeting are are available at the link below.