10th IVS Technical Operations Workshop

May 5–9, 2019
MIT Haystack Observatory, Westford, Massachusetts, USA
Archived Program Materials
The following presentations and materials are available from the 10th IVS TOW.
10th IVS Technical Operations Workshop class schedule

Operations workshops
Mike Poirier, Roger Hammargren, Alex Burns: VLBI Session Pre-checks and IVS Operations
Mike Poirier, Roger Hammargren, Alex Burns: Operational Recovery from System Failures
Chet Ruszczyk: Operational Use of Mark 6
Christian Ploetz: Cryogenic System and Receiver Maintenance
Maintenance workshops
Ed Himwich: Automated Pointing Models Using the FS
Michael Lindqvist: Antenna Gain Calibration
Jose A. Lopez-Perez: RFI Sources, Identification, Mitigation
Ganesh Rajagopalan: Phase Cal Basics and RF System Testing
Ganesh Rajagopalan, Ed Himwich: Advanced Pre-checks and Operations
Phillip Haftings, Andrew Sargent: Understanding Correlator Feedback
Bob Campbell: Pointing and Amplitude Calibration in Theory and Practice
Katie Pazamickas, Richard Hambly: High-accuracy Time and Frequency in VLBI
Ed Himwich: Topics in FS Station Software Coding
Uwe Bach: DBBC Setup and Operation
Sven Dornbusch: Setup and Operations with the DBBC3
Chet Ruszczyk, Reggie Wilcox: R2DBE Setup and Operations
Jason SooHoo: e-transfer Operations
Alexander Neidhardt: System Monitoring using e-RemoteCtrl and Zabbix in the JumpingJIVE Context
Harro Verkouter: VLBI Data Acquisition, Formats, Transfer and Tools
Alexander Neidhardt: Programming Station Code in C++ and Automating Processes for the NASA Field System
David Horsley: Station Monitoring with MAS
David Horsley: Linux System Administration and FSL10
Pedro Elosegui: VLBI Basics
Ed Himwich, Mario Bérubé: Impact of Operations on Data Analysis
Sergei Bolotin: Science Overview
Ed Himwich: Field System Near Term Future Plans
Jose A. Lopez-Perez: Instrumentation Developments for VGOS at IGN Yebes Observatory
Chet Ruszczyk: Haystack VGOS Signal Chain
David Horsley: Introducing the FS Display Server
VGOS correlation workshop
Presentations (zipped)
Program Committee
- Dirk Behrend (USA)
- Chris Coughlin (USA)
- David Hall (USA)
- Ed Himwich (USA)
- Michael Lindqvist (Sweden)
- Alexander Neidhardt (Germany)
- Arthur Niell (USA)
- Mike Poirier (USA)
- Ganesh Rajagopalan (USA)
- Chet Ruszczyk (USA)
- Jonathan Quick (South Africa)
- Mamoru Sekido (Japan)
- Gino Tuccari (Italy)
Local Organizing Committee
- John Barrett
- Pedro Elosegui
- Heidi Johnson
- Mike Poirier
- Ganesh Rajagopalan
- Chet Ruszczyk
- Jason SooHoo
- Reggie Wilcox